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All people have basic needs, which include food, water, shelter, and clothing. We want to do our part to provide these things to those in need. We also believe that feeding the mind contributes to individual well being and to the good of society as a whole. Therefore, we strive to promote literacy and make books available to any who lack them. We work with established non-profits as well as using our own resources to fill these needs in both our local community and in the wider world.

  • School Zone

    Primary Children's Hospital's School Zone caregivers help patients stay on track with schoolwork and advocate for a safe return to school.

  • Operation Literacy

    Operation Literacy has connected young writers with world-renowned bestselling authors in environments that foster creative, problem solving and connection. 

  • Lifting Hands International

    Lifting Hands International envisions a world where compassion compels individuals, families, and communities to lift hands.

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